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Kommentare (35)
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BenHeine, am 08. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
you accuse the toonpool.com Admin team of willful bad rating. Please tell me which proofs do you have and I will investigate.
Best regards,
max, am 06. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
fantastic work and a nice compliment for
Yes, thanks dear friend!
Nicoleta Ionescu, am 05. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
elle62, am 05. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
Regarding your rating,
I think there is a disaccord.
Then, to range the drawings according
bad rating shouldn”t be done by
the site management but the members.
In this case you don’t expect any tolerance.
If we work for your site,
it is because of sharing our works in Toonpool.
When our messages, it doesn’t matter
in which case and in which opinion,
which don’t find your acceptance,
will rate our works bad,
so there is nothing to say anymore.
Sure, your staying in naming the “draw me”
instead of “Portraits” shows
your percetion very unsealed!!!!
best regards
sevgili max (pohlenz)..
puanlama sisteminde bir "adaletsizlik" var..
düsük puan vererek iyi bir karikaturu gerilere atmak
veya tamamen ortadan kaldirma eylemi
toonpool yönetimince degil, üyelerce yapiliyor olabilir.
bu sonucu degistirmez, tolerans gosterilmez.
buna bir cozum bulmalisiniz..
burada hepimiz emek veriyoruz ve "toonpool" icin ciziyoruz.
Sizden bu cizgilerin bedelini de istemiyoruz.
tek istegimiz cizmek ve paylasmak..
üc dört kelimelik yorumlarimiza bile katlanamiyorsaniz
diyecek birsey kalmiyor.
o kadar yazi yazdik "draw me" bölümünün adini
"portreler" yapin diye..
bunu yapmamaniz bizlere bakis acinizi gosteriyor aten..
fazla söze ne gerek var...
donquichotte, am 05. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
They say us: “Don’t draw each other” and,
by punishing us they have put our all portraits in “draw me” section.
Now we have decided drawing the famous people
in the world but we see that same practice goes on.
They delete our points, even though all rates of watching and
point, they directly and absolutely remove
from “top cartoon” section.
How sort of an art apprehension and how sort of an artist solidarity is this?
Our colleauge İsmail Doğan has made separation decision from “Toonpool”.
And our many collegauges have stopped working.
Do they want to face down us?
If toonpool don’t change its attitude and don’t self-critize,
we will carry this unfair practice to Don Quichotte and
will bring up this subject to the agenda at the international platform.
Certainly such a case will not be well for image of “Toonpool”.
But they obligate us to do this…
“Toonpool”. neyi amaçlıyor? anlayabilmis degiliz.
"Birbirinizi cizmeyin"dediler ve tüm portrelerimizi "draw me"
bölümüne atarak cezalandırdılar..
Bu yaptırım üzerine dünya ünlülerini cizme karari aldik
ama bakiyoruz uygulama degismedi.
Puanlarimizi siliyorlar, onca izleme ve puan oranina ragmen
"Top Cartoon" bölümünde calismalarimizi görmezden geliyorlar.
Bu nasıl bir sanat anllayisi ve bu nasil sanatci dayanismasi?!
ismail dogan arkadasimiz toonpool'dan ayrilma karari aldi.
bir cok arkadasimiz cizmeye ara verdi.
Bizi sindirmek mi istiyorlar?
Eger “toonpool” bu tutumunu degistirmez ve
detayli bir özelestiri yapmazsa
bu haksiz uygulamalari Don Quichotte'a tasiyip,
uluslararasi platformda konuyu gündeme getirecegiz.
Boyle bir durum “toonpool”un imaji icin pek iyi olmayacak süphesiz..
Ama bizi bunu yapmaya mecbur ediyorlar..
donquichotte, am 04. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
If your answer did NOT SATISFY me!!!
Every new cartoons "top cartoons" section is located.
"liz taylor" cartoon for the first time there was located.
subsequently removed and
again for some reason did not put.
Who are you?
ANSWERS: Toonpool CEO's: Max Pohlenz
sevgili max
yanıtınız beni tatmin etmedi.
her yeni karikatür "top cartoons"
bölümünde yer alıyor.
"liz taylor" karikatürü ilk anda
orada yer aldı.
sonradan nedense kaldırıldı ve
bir daha konmadı.
bu arada max, max pohlenz'mis.
toonpool ceo'su..
ögrenmis oldum..
donquichotte, am 04. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
firuzkutal, am 04. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
dear max ..
thanks for comments and question..
you know what happens if you read the comments.
"liz taylor" study of 186 views and 17 points despite taking
"top cartoons" section does not exist!
This is not normal?!.
ask the reason for this!
I hope you understand that.
Hi donquichotte, thanks for telling me. First, the number of views has nothing to do with the "top rated" section, the views only define which cartoons are shown in the "most viewed" section.
Cartoons are taken into the "top rated" section remotely as soon as they have at least 3 votes. The rest is in the hands of the users.
Please also check my post in this forum thread about rating.
max, am 04. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
application of this technique
is very good "Nicoletta"
I copied some technical :))
"similar techniques" :)p
menekse cam, am 04. November 2009 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
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