Lehman Brothers Bank bankrupt
#22808 / 27304 mal angesehenThe U.S. stock market suffered its worst daily point plunge since the first day of trading after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Financial markets were rattled by the rushed sale Sunday of Merrill Lynch & Co. and the bankruptcy-court filing of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., which scrambled Monday to sell its most-prized businesses before too many employees and customers walk out the door.
(The Wall Street Journal)
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Kommentare (3)
menekse cam, am 23. October 2008 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
Playa from the Hymalaya, am 17. September 2008 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
Xavi dibuixant, am 16. September 2008 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0