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Kommentare (7)
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, am 20. October 2012 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
And see the world through me
Never I rounded Hvet with a foreign man and not Arabic
So excited
yara, am 19. October 2012 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
Good idea...the TV never tells the truth because it is made up of people and people lie.
, am 19. October 2012 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
I thought that the only problem we have
Apparently you are suffering from the same problem
But attention is when I said that I do not drink wine
Excuse films
Us a frightening picture reflected thereon
Should there be episodes of dialogue between you and me
Or we Balasah each other how is the culture of his people
Because the TV do not always reflect the true picture
yara, am 19. October 2012 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
Also are the questions they make me them whenever I go. And also question why I do not drink alcohol, why I do not smoke. why I not have bride, and if I am gay...my answers are no, no, no and for the love of life, I am not gay! jajajajaja.
And also question if I use drugs and I say no! Old people think that all young people of now take drugs, are drunks and homosexuals and look at you strange if you say that you do not do any of that.
So I try to go a few times for year to the hairdresser and if my hair do rebel, I use gel.
, am 19. October 2012 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0
Is already investigative hearing
Suffering in our communities
Hairdresser tells many
The questions begin
What's your name, how old are you, Miss not married, why do you work, you have kids or not
Etc etc and so turn out at the meeting to which the achievement
yara, am 19. October 2012 Beitrag melden antworten applause 1
, am 18. October 2012 Beitrag melden antworten applause 0