"Never mind !"
dabei seit August 20, 2009
14 Kommentare
4 favorisiert
Über meine Arbeit
animation designer
animation designer
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cosmicomixs Gästebuch
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Eu visito o seu perfil e eu amo o que você colocar lá dentro, parece que estamos indo na mesma direção, eu acredito na realidade do amor, vamos caminhar por ele para o nosso desejo do coração, por isso eu amo algumas coisas lindamente, mas nada é belo a menos que você encontrou alguém a quem você vai compartilhar com ele, alguns com uma boa saúde ao diálogo o problema com amor. ao postar sua resposta, me responda direto para minha caixa de correio privada (favorndeye @ yaho o (.) com)
kiss kiss 4u favor.
Hello my dear my name is favor ndeye,I am a lovely and caring young girl with a good heart,
I visit your profile and i love what you place in there, it seems that we're going the same direction, I believe in reality of love, let walk it out for our heart desire, so i love a beautifully things but nothing is beautiful unless you found some one whom you will share it with, some with a good health to dialog the issue love with. when posting your reply, reply me direct to my private mail box (favorndeye@yaho o (.) com)
kiss kiss favor 4u.
, am 25. February 2012 applause 0
Raoui, am 23. November 2011 applause 0
I'm sure you've heard of the recent peaceful Wall Street protests and the police brutality used against them.
We have created a collection ( http://www.toonpool.com/collection?page=gallery&cid=1398 ) to support their cause which is ultimately our cause since Wall Street is the reason we are all in this situation right now!
Get drawing my friend :)
victorh, am 28. September 2011 applause 0
Schônes Wochenende!
marian kamensky, am 17. June 2011 applause 0